Thursday, March 12, 2009

Transcendental Paddling

"I like this song. It's kinda lame, but it's a lame song I can appreciate. Just kinda chill and, 'all we know is all we know.'"


"Yeah I know it's like I'm sitting in a boat with my legs crossed in a coma."

"And with extra arms."

"Three sets of arms arms would make things so much cooler. You'd be really good at boxing. You could slap 6 people at once. You'd be a really good barrista. You would give awesome hugs."

"Yeah, except it would be kinda crazy to hug someone. Where do you put your arms? In between theirs?"

"Well, they all come from the same spot, don't they? So I guess like normal."

"Man you would be really good at swimming. Might be kinda awkward though. You would rock at butterfly."

"Like a human rowboat!"

"Rowboat? I was thinking more of an... eel or something."


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