Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spaghetti Pie

"I have 15 words left to write."

"That's good."

"No it's not. I don't have any Latin homework tonight. That's the good part. The 15 words is the bad part."

"Oh. Well that's not such a bad bad part then."

"It's like biting into pie and realizing it's spaghetti."

"Or like biting into pie and realizing it's pie."

"What if you had pi slices of pie?"

"You can't. No matter how small you slice a pie, each slice is still a slice. Slices come only in whole numbers."

"What if you sliced a slice sideways?"

"Still a slice."

"What if you sliced a slice so small that it was just crumbs?"

"Then you'd have a crumb topping for your pie."

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