Monday, June 15, 2009

Cummings Complex

"Hmm... do you know who this is? Their name is perelandra. The first letter is lowercase, too. Interesting."

"Whoa that's crazy cuz when you told me that I saw the word in my head and it wasn't capitalized. Maybe I was E. E. Cummings in a past life."

"That would be kinda cool to be E. E. Cummings in a past life. I'd feel so... superior."

"Maybe E. E. Cummings had a superiority complex. That's why he wrote in lowercase letters."

"And he probably signed his name E. E. CUMMINGS just to make himself feel more important."


Unknown said...

lowercase fail

MissingGoat said...

Huh yeah, that doesn't make ANY sense at all...